The Outside In Experiment

We asked artificial intelligence to interpret real patient feelings and physician knowledge about uncontrolled gout.

The following videos are the result.


People suffering from uncontrolled gout know all too well that it is one of the most painful conditions in the world.

Coupled with the pain are dangerous systemic effects of uncontrolled gout caused by deposition of uric acid crystals throughout the body, including in vital organs.

Here, we sought to visualize both of those realities together for the first time.

We used keen social listening to find visceral descriptions of the true pain that gout can inflict. As artificial intelligence is capable of turning text into images, we then fed the AI those patient quotes alongside physician descriptions of the anatomical implications of uncontrolled gout.

What we got back is a series of haunting films which visually bring together the two dualities of gout. On one side, we can feel the intense pain which patients describe in vivid terms…hornets, electricity, barbed wire. Simultaneously, we can see the dangerous, consequential deposition of gout crystals throughout the body…in organs, joints, and bones.


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